9 Free IQ tests with instant result

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9 Free IQ tests with instant results compared. No subscription or money required.

  1. 9 Free IQ tests with instant result compared
  2. 9 Free IQ tests with instant result
    1. Seemypersonality.com
    2. Test-Guide.com
    3. Mensa.lu
    4. Psychtests.com
    5. 123test.com
    6. Geniustests.com
    7. Brainmetrix.com
    8. freeiqtest.info
    9. Free-IQTest.net

9 Free IQ tests with instant result compared

To make the best comparison, we defined 3 comparison categories (explained below). Take a look at the table to decide what IQ test suits you best.

We find the last column “feedback” exceptionally interesting. Getting feedback is one of the best ways to get familiar with IQ test questions.

Number of questions
Time needed (red = time limit)
Feedback on answers (+ explanation)

9 Free IQ tests with instant result


This is the longest free IQ test of our selection. Why does it take only 15 minutes to complete? Because each section (category) of this test is time restricted. It is a big accomplishment to complete all items within the time given.

Before each block there are some test questions. Test questions are in place to prepare for the real questions. By that, the specific skills are tested instead of only learning capability.

There are 97 questions in 8 subcategories:

  • seemypersonality.com free IQ-test
  • seemypersonality.com-item-1-memory-test-memorisation
  • seemypersonality.com-item-2-perception
  • seemypersonality.com-item-3-Word-Comprehension
  • seemypersonality.com-item-4-VISUAL-DESIGNS
  • seemypersonality.com-item-5-Logic-reasoning
  • seemypersonality.com-item-6-spatial-relations
  • seemypersonality.com-item-7-Numerical-sequences
  • seemypersonality.com-item-8-Creativity
  1. Memory
  2. Perception
  3. Word comprehension
  4. Visual designs
  5. Logical reasoning
  6. Spatial relations
  7. Numerical sequences
  8. Creativity

Seemypersonality.com has a detailed report. The result page shows a general IQ-score as well as a breakdown in a left- and right brain score. It also has the mandatory sharing buttons.


The free IQ test on Test-Guide.com is fun and solid. By that, it gives you a good idea of what a scientifically sound test looks like. (Think WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale).

Test-Guide.com‘s free Iq test has 33 test items, divided in 4 subsets:

  • test-guide.com-verbal-reasoning test-item
  • test-guide.com-number-series-test-item
  • test-guide.com-logic-test-item
  • test-guide.com-matrices-test-item
  • test-guide.com-free-IQ-test
  1. Verbal reasoning
  2. Number series
  3. Logic
  4. Matrices

Three of the four categories rely on knowledge (verbal, numbers and logic). And only one on abstract reasoning (matrices). That’s why this test is very culture dependent. It’s only suited for native English speakers with basic schooling.

On the result page there is nice graph. It shows your raw score distribution and a percentile. The explanation of your score is complete and understandable.

Great with the IQ-test from Test-Guide.com is the feedback for each specific question.

Test-Guide.com offers a range of other high quality tests. It’s worth to check them out if you need to prepare for tests like ASVAB (US army), SAT (US college), …


Mensa is probably the best known High IQ Society. In order to join Mensa, an “approved” and “supervisedintelligence test should be taken.

How does such an approved test look like? To let you know, Mensa shows 33 example questions. It does so in what it calls a “Game“. This gives you an indication of how well you would perform on the real Mensa test.

33 test items withing this category:

  • mensa-lu-free-iq-test-completion-series-1-test-items
  • mensa-lu-free-iq-test-completion-series-2-test-items
  • mensa-lu-free-iq-test-not-culture-fair-test-item
  • intro-mensa-lu-free-online-IQ-test-with-instant-result
  1. Completion series

There is no timer that will shut down the test. Nevertheless, a time limit of twenty minutes is applicable. That’s what you would get on 33 items of an official mensa IQ test.

The downside of this test is that there is no IQ score indication. Also, there is no feedback on right or wrong answers.


Psychtests.com offers a wide array of cognitive tests. Both for pleasure and for business.

This free IQ test is rather lengthy. When appropriate, psychtests.com uses top-notch scientific materials. Therefore it offers the most academical IQ test in the selection. You might enjoy a brake after this test.

There are 57 test items and 5 item categories in this test:

  • psychtests.com free IQ test 57 questions in 30 minutes time
  • psychtests.com free IQ test number series test item
  • psychtests.com free IQ test logical reasoning test item
  • psychtests.com free IQ test language item
  • psychtests.com free IQ test culture fair test item
  • psychtests.com free IQ test tables and graphs test item
  • psychtests.com free IQ test with instant results online
  1. Number series
  2. Logical reasoning
  3. language
  4. Matrices
  5. Tables and graphs

Before you’ll get the results there is a mongozilla like questionnaire. Luckily, there’s a “skip” button.

Finally, as a result you’ll get an IQ score and a graph. Unfortunately there’s no feedback on the answers.


123test developed a range of psychological tests. For instance career choice or personality questionnaires.

Nevertheless, we chose this test for it is the only culture fair IQ test in our selection. It has 9 matrix items. They all share the same eight options answer format.

9 test items within 1 category:

  • 123test.com - culture fair IQ test - test item - IQexplained.com
  • 123test.com - free culture fair IQ test - answer item - IQexplained.com
  • 123test.com - culture fair IQ test - iqexplained.com
  • 123test.com - free culture fair IQ test - questionnaire - IQexplained.com
  1. Matrices

By design, this test measures only one type of intelligence. Sometimes called “g“, “Fluid intelligence” or “General intelligence“.

On the result page you’ll get an IQ score range. Unfortunately there’s no feedback on the answers.

If you like this test, also check out 123test’s free classical intelligence test.


The free online IQ test comes in a long and in a short version. By that, there is the option 25 or 50 questions. Those come with their respective time limit of 6 or 12 minutes.

Because the questions are language focused, the test is very culture dependent. It’s for native English speakers with classical schooling.

The 25 test items are divided in 3 categories:

  • geniustests.com-free-iq-test-with-instant-results-counting-against-time-item
  • geniustests.com-free-iq-test-with-instant-results-numerical-reasoning-item
  • geniustests.com-free-iq-test-with-instant-results-logical-reasoning-item
  • geniustests.com-free-iq-test-with-instant-results-language-item
  1. Numerical reasoning
  2. Logical reasoning
  3. Language

Although the IQ test is pro level, the result shows only a percentile. Percentile xx means that xx percent of the test takers scored equal or below your test result.

Geniustests concentrates on the bigger and more reliable tests. Think of WAIS, ASVAB or Stanford-Binet. By that, they are a good reference for assessment preparation.


In general, Brainmatrix holds a playful approach towards cognition. Besides a free IQ test, many other concepts “to train the brain” are present.

Brainmatrix.com uses 20 test items with these subcategories:

  • brainmetrix-number-series-test-item
  • brainmetrix-language-and-grammar-test-item
  • brainmetrix-math-test-item
  • brainmetrix-raven-matrix-test-item
  • brainmetrix-free-iq-test-with-instant-results
  1. Number series
  2. Language and grammar
  3. Math
  4. Matrices

The result of the test is an IQ score number.


FreeIQtest.info is a website that offers a free IQ test with an instant result. What more they offer is accurate info about the history of intelligence testing.

We find a notion that time is important in this test. Although, there is no timer. Besides, we find the IQ test hard to take on mobile.

The 20 questions have 5 subcategories:

  • freeiqtest.info-logical-reasoning-test-item
  • freeiqtest.info-language-test-item
  • freeiqtest.info-number-series-test-item
  • freeiqtest.info-matrix-reasoning-test-item
  • freeiqtest.info-mathematics-test-item
  • freeiqtest.info-instructions-for-the-free-IQ-test
  1. Logical reasoning
  2. Language
  3. Number series
  4. Matrices
  5. Mathematics

As a result you’ll get an IQ score. FreeIQtest.info also offers a badge for social media sharing:


Compared to FreeIQtest.info, the information on Free-IQtest.net is less reliable.

Free-IQTest.net claims to have a “Fast, Free & Accurate Online IQ test”. We hesitate to confirm the actors of that statement*.

The 20 test items are divided in 4 categories:

  • freeiqtest.net-Spatial-reasoning-test-item
  • freeiqtest.net-number-series-test-item
  • freeiqtest.net-logic-reasoning-test-item
  • freeiqtest.net-language-test-item
  • freeiqtest.net-startscreen-with-birthdate-window-for-free-iq-test
  • Spatial reasoning
  • Number series
  • Logical reasoning
  • Language items

On the result page there is an IQ-score and a sharing badge.

*Accurate and reliable IQ tests are expensive to develop. One of the reasons is the vast amount of test items needed to gain that precision. Therefore, a fast, free and accurate online IQ test does not exist.


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